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About the Author: Sharp Photos


  1. How about using this as an output to a switcher from a floor cam in a multicam shoot for live video of a concert for example. Latency too much?

    1. You would likely need to delay your other wired camera inputs so that they match this one, but it surely could work.

      You could also experience some interference in a concert hall with all other manner of frequencies going around in such a confined space; idk how well the cineview would handle auto selecting a quiet freq.

    2. @Adam Chapman Thank you for your input. Much appreciated. I guess latency would need to be measured because if I delay my switcher and program too much then calls to any camera operators would also be delayed and due to those delays I could be missing shots all the time assuming all I’m looking at is cam feed, preview and program. It looks like recording on cam and inserting in post is still the way to go. I’m always looking for ways to bake in all my cam changes for less post work.

    3. @TSG I’ve got experience with Hollyland kit, which is a very similar product, and the latency on that is only a couple of seconds max, so for calling cam ops it could still be suitable – although I suppose it depends on how quick you need your cam ops to respond! Like you say, you’d need to measure the latency yourself to see if it was suitable.

      IMO this kind of kit would probably work best for a roaming cam op rather than a static one. Personal preference, but I’d want my static ops to have a secure hard line so I at least have that as a safe feed.

    4. @Adam Chapman I’m with you. All my cams are hardwired. Most reliable. Maybe I’ll just buy a long spool of RG6. ๐Ÿ˜‰
      BTW, Potato Jet did a piece on the Accsoon CineEye 2s Pro last year. That was helpful as well. Thanks again for your input.

  2. Almost half the latency of the Hollyland 400s transmitters I have, and three times the range. How much? Maybe I missed it, but I donโ€™t think I heard a price mentioned.

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