Ralph Gibson :: The Photo Book

is among the excellent living professional photographers today. His new book, Refractions 2 will be launched this summer. I got a possibility to sit down with Ralph recently at Brilliant Graphics in Exton, PA who is printing Refractions 2. We talked about numerous topics including the significance of photo books and the body of work they represent to the artist.

Intro 0:00
Books and Context 2:04
The Somnambulist and Self Publishing 7:02
Confidence and Control in Ralph's Process 9:28
Relocating to color after the Black Trilogy 10:23

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2830 S. Hulen, Studio 133
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US of A.

Ralph Gibson :: The Photo Book

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About the Author: Sharp Photos


  1. Amazing, great interview Ted! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

  2. Fantastic interview once more time…but too short! I could listen to him for hours.

  3. The wealth of knowledge you have and the artist you interview truly inspiring. Makes what work I do all the more worth it when I see interviews like this. Forge onward in your artistic quest and enlighten and enrich us all Mr Forbes.

    1. Miss you Mike! Hope you are well – we’re way overdue for a NYC hang πŸ˜‰

  4. Fantastic video. Context is a subject I think a lot about. I’m working on some videos about it as well. It’s something every artist should take into consideration.

  5. Great interview. I work in printing so I loved getting a glimpse of that part of the process.

  6. Mr. Gibson has been incredibly impactful in my life in several ways… photography, character, and philosophy. Ted, this is phenominal. Thank you!

  7. Ted! you are a great man! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
    Thank you for making this… Ralph Gibson is one of my main heroes in photography and my main source of inspiration. Not just because of his work but because of his knowledge and the way that he explains photography-related matters.

    Can’t wait for the rest of this series.

  8. This is the kind of video I really enjoy. Honestly, In recent times, I haven’t looked at this channel that often anymore. When the historical and educational videos about great works and photographers ended, there was only gear left and things that felt arbitrary. This is what I would love to see regularly again. It doesn’t have to be such a huge interview, but what about the Artist Series, for example, or maybe even more importantly the “Photographers” playlist? Please.

  9. Exciting interview! A pity it is only 12 mins long. I am looking forward for this to become a series πŸ™‚

  10. Forty eight years in the photographic hobby, with seminars, photography institute learning, museums, photo clubs, hundreds and hundreds of books, magazines – especially Life and National Geographic – internet videos, active forum memberships, friends in the hobby, bizarre amounts of money spent on GAS and this still going strong, and solo journeys with just the camera, the lens and me, and yet I still learned something from this video and from Ralph Gibson – the photographer, the image and the context.

  11. I think my ears grew half an inch listening to this! Wow! Well done Ted!

  12. Another fantastic interview. It’s always an inspiration when an artist speaks to his or her perspective.

  13. Ok Ive been out of the loop with your channel, I am so jealous! Ralp is my literal favorite photographer, and when I was in grad school shooting roll after roll after roll I used to look at this books for inspirations on my own prints.

  14. Fantastic interview (as always)! Thank for bringing us all of these thoughtful and inspiring interviews.

  15. I once had a private 90-minute session with him about a year and a half ago. His experience and feedback radically changed my approach to my own photography – “context” was key. The next step probably should be taking the Advancing Photographer program. Fantastic Interview looking forward to part 2.

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