Sunset Photography from BORING to FANTASTIC retouching in Lightroom 2023 tutorial

Complete workflow in Lightroom 2023 to retouch a
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In this video, I will walk through the 5 actions to make these images come to life:

1. Get the ideal direct exposure
2. Find the ideal white balance
3. Let's fine-tune colors with Color, Saturation and Luminance
4. Lets dodge and burn the image
5. Let's hone the photo


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Sunset from BORING to FANTASTIC retouching in Lightroom 2023 tutorial

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  1. Merci bcp Serge pour cette vidéo. Dit moi, a tu encore une chaine francophone, ou bien tu utilise cette chaine pour tes vidéo Fr/En ? Car sur ta chaine tutoriels, je vois que ca fais plusieurs moi que ta plus poster. Je te remercie d’avance, et bonne continuation Bebel.

  2. As always very nice photos. You mentioned you’ll be doing 2 to 3 videos per week again which I think is awesome, thanks in advance for taking the time to produce these videos. If I could make a request for the topic of one of the videos please. In a lot of your videos you mention that you crop to 16:9 and a lot of galleries prefer this crop. I also prefer this crop for displaying images on a monitor. Doing this crop fills the monitor with the photo with no black border. That being said, where I run into problems with this particular crop ratio is getting photos ready to print. It seems this crop doesn’t work well for standard print sizes. With this in mind, could you do a whole video (or two maybe) just on getting photos ready to print and cover cropping, aspect ratios etc. in detail please?

    1. Thank you very much for your kind comment and yes, this is a great idea!

  3. Que c’est pénible depuis plusieurs mois toujours pas de vidéo de votre part en français !!!

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